Leslie Sherlin, co-founder and chief science officer of SenseLabs talks to Taking The Charge about brain mapping.
Taking The Charge Podcast Episode 96: Dave and Os talk brain mapping! First we talked about Germany winning the 2014 World Cup. Then we chat about LeBron, Anthony, Pau to the Bulls, Messina to the Spurs, Bogdan Bogdanovic heading to Fenerbahce and the Euroleague draw. Then comes the interview with Leslie Sherlin, the co-founder and chief science officer at SenseLabs. For the movie of the week, we reviewed “United Passions“.
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Episode 96: Breakdown of show
News: 2014 World Cup (until 14:35), NBA and European moves, Turkish Airlines Euroleague draw
Leslie Sherlin of SenseLabs/Versus: 49:55
This week’s music: “Lfdg” jonas the plugexpert 1:40:00; “Broken English” by Azar Swan 2:08:10
Movie of the week: 1:43:40
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